Starts up a listening service for incoming emails, calling a CFC in response to all mails
BOOLEAN = Smtpstart(
Argument | Summary |
name | Symbolic name to name this SMTP end point |
cfcmail | CFC that will be created for each email that comes in. The method onMailAccept( mail ) must be present. A new instance is created for each email |
cfcfilter | IP address to bind the listening to; defaults to all interfaces [optional] |
ip | Port to listen for incoming mail SMTP requests; defaults to 25 [optional] |
port | CFC that will be created to handle the filtering of the email. You can opt to receive an email or not very early on, saving lots of bandwidth by implementing the method onMailTo(email,ip) and onMailFrom(email,ip) returning back true or false depending on if you wish to receive this email [optional] |
application | The name of the CFAPPLICATION that is to be present when executing a CFC inside a mail request [optional] |
maxconnections | The total number of concurrent connections this mail will handle at a time. Default 5 [optional] |
banner | The banner that is presented to incoming connections [optional] |
Supports named-parameter calling allowing you to use the function like:
Smtpstart( name=?, cfcmail=?, cfcfilter=?, ip=?, port=?, application=?, maxconnections=?, banner=? );
Supports passing parameters as a structure using ArgumentCollection:
Smtpstart( ArgumentCollection={ name : ?, cfcmail : ?, cfcfilter : ?, ip : ?, port : ?, application : ?, maxconnections : ?, banner : ? } );