IsSpreadsheetobject |
Determines if the object past in is a spreadsheet object |
SpreadsheetAddcolumn |
Inserts a new column to the current sheet |
SpreadsheetAddfreezepane |
Creates a freeze panel within the current spreadsheet |
SpreadsheetAddimage |
Adds an image to the current spreadsheet object |
SpreadsheetAddinfo |
Updates or inserts spreadsheet level info |
SpreadsheetAddrow |
Inserts new rows to the active sheet |
SpreadsheetAddrows |
Inserts new rows to the active sheet |
SpreadsheetAddsplitpane |
Creates a new split pane with the details given on the active sheet |
SpreadsheetColumnfittosize |
Sets the autosize of the columns given |
SpreadsheetCreatesheet |
Creates a brand new sheet with the given name. The active sheet does not get changed. |
SpreadsheetDeletecolumn |
Deletes one or more columns from the active sheet; it will not shift any other columns |
SpreadsheetDeletecolumns |
Deletes one or more columns from the active sheet; it will not shift any other columns |
SpreadsheetDeleterow |
Deletes one or more rows from the active sheet |
SpreadsheetDeleterows |
Deletes one or more rows from the active sheet |
SpreadsheetDeletesheet |
Deletes the sheet named |
SpreadsheetFindcell |
Looks for all cells in the active sheet that match the expression. An array of structs (row,column,value) is returned. |
SpreadsheetFormatcell |
Sets the formatting properties for the given cell by row:column |
SpreadsheetFormatcolumn |
Sets the default formatting properties for the given column(s). It will not reformat any existing columns |
SpreadsheetFormatcolumns |
Sets the default formatting properties for the given column(s). It will not reformat any existing columns |
SpreadsheetFormatrow |
Sets the formatting properties for the given row(s) |
SpreadsheetFormatrows |
Sets the formatting properties for the given row(s) |
SpreadsheetGetcellcomment |
Returns the comment stucture for the given cell on the active sheet |
SpreadsheetGetcellformula |
Returns an array of structures (formula, row, column) looking for the formula. If rowNo/columnNo omitted, then all the formulae for the active sheet is returned |
SpreadsheetGetcellvalue |
Returns the value of the cell |
SpreadsheetInfo |
Reads the meta information associated with the spreadsheet |
SpreadsheetMergecells |
Merges the cell range into one on the active sheet |
SpreadsheetNew |
Creates a new spreadsheet object |
SpreadsheetQueryread |
Reads the given sheet from the spreadsheet object as a query. If there are formulae in the cells they will be evaluated |
SpreadsheetQuerywrite |
Writes out the query to the sheetname |
SpreadsheetRead |
Creates a new spreadsheet object from the file specified |
SpreadsheetReadbinary |
Returns the current spreadsheet as a binary file; useful for streaming straight out to the browser |
SpreadsheetRemovecolumn |
Deletes one or more columns from the active sheet; it will shift any other columns accordingly |
SpreadsheetSetactivesheet |
Sets the active sheet |
SpreadsheetSetactivesheetnumber |
Sets the active sheet |
SpreadsheetSetcellcomment |
Sets the comment properties of the cell |
SpreadsheetSetcellformula |
Sets the formula of the cell |
SpreadsheetSetcellvalue |
Sets the value of the cell |
SpreadsheetSetcolumnwidth |
Sets width of the given column |
SpreadsheetSetfooter |
Sets the footer components of the spreadsheet |
SpreadsheetSetheader |
Sets the header components of the spreadsheet |
SpreadsheetSetrowwidth |
Sets width of the row |
SpreadsheetShiftcolumns |
Moves the column around |
SpreadsheetShiftrows |
Moves rows around |
SpreadsheetWrite |
Writes the spreadsheet out to a file on the local file system |