CFML Functions

ftp Category functions

Function Name Description
Ftpclose Closes a previously connected FTP connection
Ftpcmd Send a specific command to the ftp server
Ftpcreatedir Creates the directory on the remote server
Ftpexists Checks to see if the remote file/directory exists
Ftpexistsdir Checks to see if the remote directory exists
Ftpexistsfile Checks to see if the remote file exists
Ftpgetcurrentdir Returns the current remote directory
Ftpgetcurrenturl Returns the current remote directory
Ftpgetfile Downloads the remote file to the local file here
Ftplist Lists the directory
Ftpopen Creates a new connection to the FTP server detailed. The object passed back is then used to interact with the server through the other FTP functions
Ftpputfile Uploads the local file to the remote file there
Ftpremove Removes the file on the remote server
Ftpremovedir Removes the directory on the remote server
Ftprename Renames the file on the remote server
Ftpsetcurrentdir Sets the current remote directory
Ftpsite Send a site specific command to the ftp server