GetLocale |
Returns the current locale |
GetLocaledisplayname |
Returns back the display name of the locale, optionally in the locale specfied |
LsCurrencyformat |
Returns back the formatted currency representation of the number in the current session locale |
LsDateformat |
Formats a date string to a given output using the current sessions locale |
LsEurocurrencyformat |
Returns back the formatted EURO currency representation of the number |
LsIscurrency |
Determines if the string passed in, represents a currency in the current locale |
LsIsdate |
Determines if the string passed in, represents a date in the current locale |
LsIsnumeric |
Determines if the string passed in, represents a number in the current locale |
LsNumberformat |
Formats a number to the given format mask in the current session locale |
LsParsecurrency |
Attempts to convert the current represented in the string to a number using the current sessions locale |
LsParsedatetime |
Formats a date string to a given output using the current session locale |
LsParseeurocurrency |
Attempts to convert the EURO represented in the string to a number |
LsParsenumber |
Attempts to convert the string represented to a number using the current sessions locale |
LsTimeformat |
Formats a time string to a given output using the current session locale |
SetLocale |
Sets the local for the current request, returning the previous one |