CFML Functions

locale Category functions

Function Name Description
GetLocale Returns the current locale
GetLocaledisplayname Returns back the display name of the locale, optionally in the locale specfied
LsCurrencyformat Returns back the formatted currency representation of the number in the current session locale
LsDateformat Formats a date string to a given output using the current sessions locale
LsEurocurrencyformat Returns back the formatted EURO currency representation of the number
LsIscurrency Determines if the string passed in, represents a currency in the current locale
LsIsdate Determines if the string passed in, represents a date in the current locale
LsIsnumeric Determines if the string passed in, represents a number in the current locale
LsNumberformat Formats a number to the given format mask in the current session locale
LsParsecurrency Attempts to convert the current represented in the string to a number using the current sessions locale
LsParsedatetime Formats a date string to a given output using the current session locale
LsParseeurocurrency Attempts to convert the EURO represented in the string to a number
LsParsenumber Attempts to convert the string represented to a number using the current sessions locale
LsTimeformat Formats a time string to a given output using the current session locale
SetLocale Sets the local for the current request, returning the previous one