CreateDate |
Creates a CFML date object from the given year, month and day |
CreateDatetime |
Creates a CFML date/time object from the given year, month, day, hour, minute, second and optional millisecond |
CreateOdbcdate |
Creates a date object for use with ODBC |
CreateOdbcdatetime |
Creates a date/time object for use with ODBC |
CreateOdbctime |
Creates a time object for use with ODBC |
CreateTime |
Creates a CFML time object from the given hour, minute, second and millisecond, or from the epoch |
CreateTimespan |
Creates a CFML time object that represents a time span/range |
DateAdd |
Adds/Subtracts date units from a given date |
DateCompare |
Compares to date, to the given optional resolution. Returns -1 if date1 is before date2. Returns 1 if date1 is after date2. Returns 0 if equal |
DateConvert |
Converts a date to the given locale |
DateDiff |
Determines the number of given date parts between two different dates |
DateFormat |
Formats a date string to a given output |
DatePart |
Extracts the given date part from the date object |
DateTimeformat |
Formats the date according to the Java SimpleDateFormat convention |
Day |
Returns the day number referenced by the given date |
Dayofweek |
Returns the day of the week the date represents |
Dayofweekasstring |
Returns the string representation of the given day index |
Dayofyear |
Returns the year number referenced by the given date |
Daysinmonth |
Returns the number of days in the month that the date object represents |
Daysinyear |
Returns the number of days in the year of the given date object (taking into account of leap years) |
Epoch |
Returns epoch number that this date represents |
Firstdayofmonth |
Returns the number of the day in the year, the first day of this month falls on |
GetBasetagdata |
Returns back the data associated with the parent tag, at the given depth level back |
GetHttptimestring |
Returns back the time given (or the current time) in the format of the HTTP header |
GetNumericdate |
Returns a real number whose integer part represents the number of days since the EPOCH (12 AM on 12-30-1899) and whose fractional part represents the time value expressed in hours then divided by 24 |
Hour |
Returns the hour of the referenced by the date in 24 hour format |
IsLeapyear |
Determines if the given date object ocurrs on a leap year |
Millisecond |
Returns the millisecond of the referenced by the date |
Minute |
Returns the minute of the referenced by the date |
Month |
Returns the month of the referenced date (1=Jan .. 12=Dec) |
Monthasstring |
Returns the string label for the given month index in the given locale (if supplied) |
Now |
Returns the current date and time |
Parsedatetime |
Formats a date string to a given output supports standard formats include SQL, Unix date string and HTTP timestamps. |
Quarter |
Returns the quarter the referenced date falls within (1,2,3,4) |
Second |
Returns the second of the date referenced |
Timeformat |
Formats a time string to a given output |
Week |
Returns the week number in the year of the date referenced |
Year |
Returns the year of the date referenced |