StructAppend |
Appends all the data from struct2 into struct1, replacing duplicate keys unless specified by the overwrite flag |
StructClear |
Removes all the data from the given structure |
StructCopy |
Makes a copy of the structure and returns a brand new structure, copying all the data held within |
StructCount |
Returns the number of elements within the structure |
StructDelete |
Deletes the given key from the structure, optionally returning whether or not it was found before deletion |
StructEach |
Applies the function to each of the elements in the structure |
StructEquals |
Performs a deep comparison of two structures to see if they represent the same values |
StructFilter |
Used to loop over the structure to create a new structure based on the inner function applied to each element that will return true/false if it is to be included |
StructFind |
Returns the data at the given key, throwing an exception if it does not exist |
StructFindkey |
Returns the data (or an array of all the values) at the given key, throwing an exception if it does not exist |
StructFindvalue |
Returns the data (or an array of all the values) that matches the value, throwing an exception if it does not exist |
StructGet |
Returns a new structure, or heirarchy of structures to match the given key path |
StructInsert |
Inserts the key and value into the given structure, overwriting if already exists |
StructIsempty |
Returns whether or not the structure is empty of all keys |
StructKeyarray |
Returns back an array of all the keys in the structure |
StructKeyexists |
Determines whether the given key exists in the structure |
StructKeylist |
Returns all the keys in the structure as a delimited string |
StructListnew |
Creates a new structure, that has a maximum number of items. It will maintain the insertion order of the structure. |
StructNew |
Creates a new structure |
StructSort |
Returns an array of all the keys, ordered by the sort criteria of the values in the structure |
StructUpdate |
Inserts the key/value into the structure, overwritting if already exists |
StructValuearray |
Returns all the values as an array |