CFML Functions

math Category functions

Function Name Description
Abs Returns the absolute value of the number given
Acos Returns the arc cosine value of the number given
Asin Returns the arc sine value of the number given
Atn Returns the arc tangent value of the number given
BitAnd Apply a logical AND on the two numbers given
BitMaskclear Clears the bits from the given bit position for the number of bits given
BitMaskread Reads the bit mask at the given position and length
BitMaskset Set a mask on the given number covering the range given
BitNot Returns the logical NOT of the given number
BitOr Apply a logical OR on the two numbers given
BitShln Shifts the given number the number of bits to the left
BitShrn Shifts the given number the number of bits to the right
BitXor Apply a logical XOR on the two numbers given
Ceiling Returns the smallest number that is greater than the given parameter
Cos Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle
Decrementvalue Decrements the current number by one
Exp Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value
Fix Returns the number associated with the value
Incrementvalue Increments the current number by one
Int Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer
Log Performs a log on the given number
Log10 Performs a base 10 log on the given number
Max Returns the largest of the two given numbers
Min Returns the smallest of the two given numbers
Pi Returns the mathematical constant PI (22/7)
Rand Returns a random number
Random Returns a random number
Randomize Returns a random number seeding the random number generator
Randrange Returns a random number between the two numbers using the given optional random generator
Round Rounds the given number down
Sgn Determines the sign of the number; return -1 if negative, 1 if positive, or 0
Sin Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle
Sqr Performs the square root of the number given
Tan Returns the trigonometric tan of an angle
Val Attempts to convert the string to a number