CacheGet |
Returns the data addressed by the id; returns a null if the object does not exist (use IsNull() to test) |
CacheGetmetadata |
Returns the meta-data runtime data for this cache type |
CacheGetproperties |
Returns the properties for this cache type |
CacheIdexists |
Determines if the object is in the cache |
CachePut |
Places the object into the cache |
CacheRegionexists |
Determines if the region exists |
CacheRegiongetall |
Returns all the active regions (including internal ones) |
CacheRegionnew |
Create a new region for caching |
CacheRegionremove |
Removes the region. This merely deletes the cache reference. No data held in the cache will be purged |
CacheRemove |
Removes one or more keys |
CacheRemoveall |
Removes all the data in the cache |
CacheSetproperties |
Changes the properties of the cache engine if the underlying implementation supports it |