
Reads a journal file into the database table specified, returning back a structure with the details of the request. The table will have the columns: T_OFFSET, CODE, FILE_ID, SESSION, FILE_DEPTH, TAG_DEPTH, TAG, LINE, COL, FN, SCRIPTLINE, JOURNALID, ID


STRUCTURE = Journalreadtodatasource( file, datasource, id, table )
Argument Summary
file full path of the journal file to read
datasource the datasource to use to store the journal to
id id to use for this journal. this makes it possible to store multiple journal files in a single table; defaults to 1 [optional]
table the name of the table to insert the data to; defaults to 'journal' [optional]


Supports named-parameter calling allowing you to use the function like:


Supports passing parameters as a structure using ArgumentCollection:

Journalreadtodatasource( ArgumentCollection={
   file : ?, 
   datasource : ?, 
   id : ?, 
   table : ?
} );


This function makes it easy to read the session data into a table. For large journal files, it is more efficient to read the data into a database to work with. If you do not have a database handy, you can easily use the embedded database that ships with OpenBD, H2 (

This function will create the underlying table if it does not already exist. There is a primary key placed on the JOURNAL_ID and ID columns.

if ( !DataSourceIsValid("tmpJournal") ){
  ds = {
    databasename : "Session1",
    drivername : "org.h2.Driver",
    hoststring : "jdbc:h2:file:c:/data/tmpjournal;MODE=MYSQL"

  DataSourceCreate( "tmpJournal", ds );

JournalReadToDataSource( datasource="tmpJournal", file="c:/tmp/2015-02-07_11.51.07-34.txt" );