Read, write and update spreadsheet files




Attribute default required summary
ACTION=READ Reads a spreadsheet file into a spreadsheet object or query
ACTION=WRITE Writes data to a spreadsheet file
ACTION=UPDATE Updates an existing spreadsheet file
SHEET The Sheet number to be active (only SHEET or SHEETNAME must be present)
SHEETNAME The Sheet name to be active (only SHEET or SHEETNAME must be present)
HEADERROW The row in the spreadsheet that is to be considered the header for the query (only HEADERROW or COLUMNNAMES must be present)
COLUMNNAMES The comma-separated names for the column names (only HEADERROW or COLUMNNAMES must be present)
SRC The source for the file, expressed as full path
FORMAT The format for the (csv,html) for the resulting object; if not present then NAME is the spreadsheet object
NAME The name of the variable that will receive/extract the data
QUERY The query variable that will receive/extract the data in CFML Query object
COLUMNS all The columns to be used in the format (1,2,3,5-6)
ROWS all The rows to be used in the format (1,2,3,5-6)
FILENAME The filename to use when writing or updating
OVERWRITE false Boolean flag to overwrite the file

See Also