Easily send MIME and PLAIN type emails


<cfmail> ... </cfmail>


Attribute default required summary
ATTRIBUTECOLLECTION A structure containing the tag attributes
TO The email address to send the email to. Multiple emails delimited by ; or ,. If using a query, this is the column name where the TO field is
CC The email address to cc send the email. Multiple emails delimited by ; or ,. If using a query, this is the column name where the CC field is
BCC The email address to bcc send the email. Multiple emails delimited by ; or ,. If using a query, this is the column name where the BCC field is
REPLYTO The email address for the REPLYTO field
FAILTO The email address for the Return-Path field
SUBJECT The subject of the email
TYPE plain The type of email to send. HTML or PLAIN
STARTROW 0 If using a query, then this is the start of the row
MAXROWS -all- If using a query, then this is the maximum rows to send
QUERY The query object containing the data. For each row, an email will be generated
GROUP If using a query, then this is the GROUP'ing of the query
GROUPCASESENSITIVE false If using a query, this is the GROUP sensitivity
USESSL false Set to true to send using SSL
USETLS false Set to true to send using TLS
TIMEOUT How long to wait for the MTA to respond before returning an error
MIMEATTACH Attach a file to this email, using the file path
WRAPTEXT -do not- The number of columns to wrap the text to if using TYPE=PLAIN
SERVER The server list of MTA agents to deliver the email to. Can be in format: [user:password@]server[:port],[user:password@]server2[:port]
CHARSET The character set to use for this email
PRIORITY The priority value in the range 1-5 to use for this email
CALLBACK The name of the CFC that will have onMailSuccess/onMailFail callbacks
CALLBACKDATA A string that will be passed on through to the callback functions; can be any string


Using the callback feature lets you get a handle on when email gets delivered successfully or if it fails.

<cfmail to="" from="" subject="this is a subject" callback="mycallback">
  My Test Email

Create a CFC called 'mycallback'. Within this callback, you do not have access to the 'form', 'url' or 'cgi' scopes, but you do have 'application'.


<cffunction name="onMailSend">
  <cfargument name="to" type="array"/>
  <cfargument name="from" />
  <cfargument name="subject" />
  <cfargument name="messageid" />
  <cfargument name="mailserver" />
  <cfargument name="customdata" />

<cffunction name="onMailFail">
  <cfargument name="to" type="array" />
  <cfargument name="from" />
  <cfargument name="subject" />
  <cfargument name="messageid" />
  <cfargument name="mailserver" />
  <cfargument name="customdata" />
  <cfargument name="error" />
  <cfargument name="file" hint="full path to the failed file" />



For more information on the sending features of OpenBD please refer to the OpenBD Engine Mail page.

Using CFMAIL with Google Mail (GMail)

<cfmail to=""
        server="" useSSL="true" port="465"
        username="" password="yourgmailpassword">