Ability to interact with a remote FTP server.




Attribute default required summary
ATTRIBUTECOLLECTION A structure containing the tag attributes
CONNECTION The the name of the connection to which we refer to the FTP connection
SERVER the remote server to connect
PORT 21 Port to connect to
USERNAME username to login to the server with
PASSWORD password to login to the server with
TIMEOUT 30 the timeout in secords for data transfers
STOPONERROR true if something goes wrong, throw an exception
PASSIVE false Flag to determine if we should be in PASSIVE mode
ACTION The type of action you wish to perform on the FTP server
[ACTION='OPEN'] used to open the connection to the server
[ACTION='CLOSE'] used to close the connection to the server
[ACTION='CHANGEDIR'] DIRECTORY the name of the directory to change the remote server to
[ACTION='CREATEDIR'] DIRECTORY the name of the directory to create on the remote server
[ACTION='REMOVEDIR'] DIRECTORY the name of the directory to remove from the remote server
[ACTION='EXISTSDIR'] DIRECTORY the name of the directory to check to see if exists
[ACTION='EXISTSFILE'] REMOTEFILE the name of the file to check to see if exists
[ACTION='EXISTS'] ITEM the name of the file/directory to check to see if exists
[ACTION='GETCURRENTDIR'] returns the current directory of the remote server
[ACTION='GETCURRENTURL'] returns the current url directory of the remote server
[ACTION='REMOVE'] ITEM the name of the file to remove from the server
[ACTION='RENAME'] EXISTING the name of the file to rename
[ACTION='RENAME'] NEW the name of the new file to rename it too
[ACTION='LISTDIR'] DIRECTORY the name of the directory to list
[ACTION='LISTDIR'] NAME the name of the variable to place the query object containing the ftp listing
[ACTION='GETFILE'] LOCALFILE the local file to which we will save the remote file into
[ACTION='GETFILE'] REMOTEFILE the remote file to fetch
[ACTION='GETFILE'] FAILIFEXISTS true if the local file already exists then throw exception, otherwise delete it
[ACTION='GETFILE'] TRANSFERMODE auto the transfer mode to use; AUTO, BINARY or ASCII
[ACTION='GETFILE'] ASCIIEXTENSIONLIST if transfer mode is AUTO then this is the extension list (;) of the files that are considered ascii
[ACTION='PUTFILE'] LOCALFILE the local file to which we will send to the remote server
[ACTION='PUTFILE'] REMOTEFILE the name of the remote file
[ACTION='PUTFILE'] TRANSFERMODE auto the transfer mode to use; AUTO, BINARY or ASCII
[ACTION='PUTFILE'] ASCIIEXTENSIONLIST if transfer mode is AUTO then this is the extension list (;) of the files that are considered ascii

See Also