Used to define a CFC. Inside this tag, contains the CFFUNCTION tags. Should only ever be one in a single file.
<cfcomponent> ... </cfcomponent>
Attribute | default | required | summary |
NAME | Provide a name for the argument, so it can be later referenced within the function. | ||
DISPLAYNAME | The name that is used to describe this CFC when displayed in meta data | ||
HINT | A small description for this component | ||
EXTENDS | The CFC that this instance will extend | ||
IMPLEMENTS | The CFC of the CFINTERFACE that this CFC must implement | ||
TYPE | component | The type of this CFC; component, interface or abstract | |
OUTPUT | YES | Controls whether or not this CFC can generate output | |
WSDLFILE | The file path of a well formatted WSDL file to use instead of the generated one | ||
STYLE | rpc | When the CFC is used as web services determines the encoded style; rpc, document, document-wrapped |